Modification of Motor Trend in Japan

modification of the motor, the Japanese could not be underestimated
mata.Niko Fiandri of Motor Plus directly report MODIF skutik Rage
contest which took place in the National Custom Show in Sportline,
Osaka. Rage is the first carpet skutik contezt modifications in
Sakura's Affairs. According pemodifikator from Sigma Spyder Terada
Keiichi Osaka, interests MODIF decreased compared to the previous. The
cause, the direction of the manufacturer thus affecting consumers
MODIF. Specialist MODIF skutik 250 cc's estimate, three years ahead of
modification leading to environmentally friendly technology. "Most
likely to change the water combustion engine or electric motor to
make," says Terada of Matsuyamachi, Suji, Osaka. According to him, now
modified in Japan, especially for large CC skutik were again playing in
the body.
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