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This is based on the motorcycle tires and engine behavior to handle the range of the fundamental dynamics to explore is the first,in a series of articles. Overall this is a very complex subject Fully understand what is happening at a good level of mathematics and physics is required. However, in this article, I will attempt an absolute minimum of mathematics, basic description, But this is where you can avoid going beyond simple trigonometry. Do not change the misery Mathematics need not worry at all, just skip the rest of the parts are still useful. I'll try to get a graph and the mechanism for the many sketch shows.

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It has two small contact patches of rubber, and we seem to believe that machines can support,While supported in the turns, the road capacity, while the power management, At least as many bicycle and the rider's weight forces. Perhaps as an exercise of this band Handling characteristics of the most important influence, seems so appropriate study their, Before the other side of the chassis features of the design. When Newton first set put into the world his theory of mechanics, he had a doubt in his mind, Interaction of things other than roads and motorcycle tires. Never less, assumptions are also valid for this situation. All power, especially in his third law of "by Unlike the equality can be forced to resist. "Or, put another way," action and reaction are the same Opposition. "

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Thai operations involving the tires and then push on the road as the road is promoted by Re Thai as hard. This is what we are looking for is just as true, regardless of,Bicycle or the weight of the support or resistance, cornering and braking operation. This particular law of Newton does not concern ourselves, what are some strengths of the original,In fact, it is important for the purposes of analysis. However, in order to guide understanding, Some physical and mental reaction system, it is useful to separate the act. Occur between the ground and the tires too many things that the forces determining our Machines, but they are often granted. It's really different bands to perform such a multitude Leather work and go to their apparent simplicity of the sophistication of their techniques Design and manufacturing. At first, improve comfort and reduce air tires were mounted on the load Wheels. Even with the current suspension system provides the first line of it is still a band, Defense to absorb road shock. Exploring the construction of the body, much more of their compound and is beyond the scope of,Of the book. Rather, we deal with a few simple principles, and here they are worried about the effect of Characteristics.
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